I am now at 18 weeks and just about fed up with people's stupid ignorance. There are so many great articles on what NOT to say to a woman with a perisite called baby, you think people would learn!!
I don't have a lot of peeves. Unlike most pregnant women, I love my belly being rubbed. However, there are few things that make me want to hulk out.
My biggest pet peeve at the moment: The Declaration that i am having twins:
"OH MY GOD ARE YOU SURE THERE'S ONLY ONE IN THERE?!" I don't know, are you sure you have only eaten that ONE TWINKIE that you're holding in your hand right now?
It is really any comment to size. When they declare that i am not showing at all, even though i can't wear my jeans anymore and have gone up TWO cup sizes, i want to scream. I didn't ask because i KNOW that i am showing. Anyone who has read this blog knows that from the photos... but i didn't ask and i don't need people suggesting that i've actually always been this big.
I haven't had too much problem yet with people commenting on my due date yet, but the gender guessing game has gone a little too far at times:
"You're having a boy" ok... that's cool. "NO! i guarantee it's a boy. I know these things" ok. That's fine. " I KNOW IT"S A BOY!" ok, i tell you what.... if it's a girl, i'm not doing plastic surgery to make it a boy... so shut the F*** up. I didn't ask you. I don't care what it ends up being.
My last peeve has got to be unsolicited parenting advice:
Weather it be breast feeding, pacifiers, or swaddling.... my baby isn't even here yet. Lets get through the pregnancy first.
Regardless of what you decide, people tend to think that their opinion is what you should do when it comes to feeding (or raising) your baby.
Everyone has their own pet peeves, especially in pregnancy. It really wraps all up in being respectful. Just like religion or politics, no one what others pushing their beliefs or thoughts on them.
I don't mind passing comments of gender guessing or small piece of helpful advice. Once it's time, i know i will need the advice of others to get through breast feeding or even just life in general... but a small comment of advice is different than someone demanding that they know the Path. THEY'RE NOT JESUS... THEY ARE NOT THE WAY!!
Now that i have that off my chest... i am, once again, hungry.... time to feed peanut.